what are the three main benefits of Dog Grooming shared by Erica Ciara Linzey

You may only think about getting your dog groomed in the summer when his hair starts to shed from the heat. But regular visits to a truly professional and skilled dog groomer like Erica Ciara Linzey has many benefits beyond the prerequisite hair trim:

Nail clipping

Most dog groomers like Erica Ciara Linzey also offer toenail clipping services. Cutting your dog’s nails is more tricky and potentially dangerous than cutting your own nails. City dogs can wear their nails down on the pavement in some cases, but long nails can cause discomfort and even toe injuries over time.


To know complete post: http://ericalinzey.blogspot.com/2017/09/erica-ciara-linzey-three-benefits-of.html

Erica Ciara Linzey: Why You Should Hire Professional Help to Trim Your Dog’s Nails

Erica Ciara Linzey is a professional dog groomer living and working in Davis, California. She has helped many dogs and their families gain the peace of mind that comes from knowing their dog is healthy and happy. Linzey has trimmed nails, bathed dogs, cut their hair, and suggested new and better ways to her customers for their dog’s improved health.

Erica Ciara Linzey knows the struggle of a dog owner. You want to get your dog the best care possible without sacrificing your own financial security and health to do so. Many dog owners simply groom their dog at home. While bathing and even cutting your dog’s hair can be learned and trained, allowing you to give your dog a professional service (provided you have the right equipment) at home, taking your dog to get his nails trimmed by a professional is usually the best move.

Read this post: https://ericaciaralinzey.wordpress.com/2017/06/12/erica-ciara-linzey-fun-with-volleyball

Erica Ciara Linzey

Trimming a dog’s nails is not as easy as cutting your own nails. Dogs can sometimes be sensitive about their feet. Adult dogs that haven’t been exposed to people messing with their feet as much can be jerky and unsteady when you’re trying to cut their nails.

A professional like Erica Ciara Linzey is trained to handle squirmy dogs and can still get the job done despite this. Another big reason to take your dog to a professional like Erica Linzey is the danger of cutting the nail incorrectly. Dogs have a small vein that goes into their nail beds called the quick. If you cut too deep into the nail, you’ll cut this vein can cause bleeding that is very difficult to stop.

Erica Ciara Linzey has many loyal customers in Davis, California.