Erica Ciara Linzey: Zip-lining is Cool

Erica Ciara Linzey doesn’t like the bad rap that ziplining gets from the locals she knows and loves in Davis, California. While many people familiar with that area shun ziplines, thinking they are boring or a tamer version of bungee jumping or skiing, Linzey finds zooming high over the trees and scenery on a weekend extremely fun and relaxing with a hint of adrenaline.

There are many places to zipline in northern California, and Erica Ciara Linzey doesn’t miss an opportunity to find the next area to zip through the trees. Linzey says that the excitement she first felt when she was a kid ziplining with her family in northern California.

Read this post as well: Erica Ciara Linzey: Why You Should Hire Professional Help to Trim Your Dog’s Nails

While ziplining has caught criticism from shows like South Park, Linzey considers it the perfect activity for her, and she doesn’t care who knows. She will go to bat for ziplining any day when it comes under attack by her friends and acquaintances in Davis, California.

Erica Ciara Linzey is a professional dog groomer working at a high-end pet salon and boutique in Davis.