Erica Linzey – Qualities The Dog Groomers Must Possess

Erica Linzey made the decision to become a dog groomer in late-2011, working hard to create a business plan that allowed her to form her own business in the area in 2012. Erica Ciara Linzey understands that her clients expect a certain level of service from her and notes that those who succeed in the industry tend to have a number of common qualities, which include all of the following.

Erica Linzey

Erica Linzey


Dog groomers must understand that every animal that they work with will have different personalities and levels of training, which often means that they need to exercise patience in order to complete their work. This is especially the case for dogs that have never been groomed before, as they will often have to spend time training such dogs to accept the grooming process.


Those who succeed in the industry understand that the relationships that they build with owners will be just as important as the ones that they develop with the dogs that they work on. This means that they will approach their work with friendly and enthusiastic attitudes that can put restless and anxious minds at ease. Owners place a lot of trust in their groomers, so it is crucial that they are able to demonstrate their love for animals as well.

Good Learners

Erica Linzey knows that she has learned an enormous amount about professional dog grooming since forming her own business. She notes that those who succeed in the industry are always learning, be it about new grooming techniques or ways that they can get more exposure for their work.

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