Erica Linzey – Skiing Tips For Novices

Erica Linzey first started skiing as a child, when he parents would take her to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. She has since had the opportunity to visit resorts in France and Switzerland, in addition to improving her skills by taking advantage of any time that she can get skiing on indoor slopes. Those who are new to the sport will often approach it with a little trepidation, understandably given that there is some risk involved, so try to keep the below in mind if you are a novice who is looking to improve.


Work With An Instructor

You may have friends who know how to ski who believe that they can help you to learn, but the odds are high that they are not going to be able to focus your lessons in the way that they need to be. Experienced instructors understand the needs of new skiers, making them much more suited to the job.

Don’t Look Down

Once you have started skiing, your focus needs to be on the track and the people ahead of you. Looking down at your skis not only takes your attention away from where it needs to be, but it can often lead to disorientation.

Respect The Sport

Erica Ciara Linzey notes that there is a certain amount of risk attached to skiing and novices can get hurt if they try to take on challenges that are above their skill levels. Take it slow and you will find that your technique improves gradually, while you mitigate the risks involved with skiing as much as possible.