Erica Linzey – Common Beginner Mistakes in Volleyball

Erica Linzey is an experienced volleyball player who was a part of her school’s team while attending Davis Senior High School. She tries to watch the sport whenever it is on television and regularly goes to the beach so that she can play it with friends. There are a number of mistakes that people make when they first start playing volleyball, including all of the following.

Erica Linzey

Not Paying Attention To Positions

Being in the right place at the right time is going to be crucial in both your attacking and defensive play. Many new players tend to spend too much time watching the ball, rather than anticipating where it is going to go and where they need to be in order to defend a point or be in the best position to take a shot.

Hogging The Ball

Volleyball is a team sport, so if somebody is playing for themselves, rather than the collective, it is likely that points are going to get lost. In their eagerness to participate, it is common for novices to spend too much time trying to make contact with the ball, instead of staying in their assigned positions and playing their roles within their teams.

Not Practicing

Your time away from competition is going to be just as important as your time playing games. Erica Ciara Linzey points out that those who don’t practice will fall behind their teams, often costing them points and games in the process. Pair up and work on shooting and defensive techniques to improve your abilities.